
5 things I hate to admit...

Hey, Eeka...this is cool. Similar to another blog I read that posts "Not Me Monday"...I love it! Here's my attempt at my "Five Things"

1. My dog owns nearly as many outfits as I do. Golf pants, luau dress, summer halter dress, mailman outfit, santa outfit...you name it, she's got it. Embarrasing, yes. Cute, yes. Wierd, YES YES YES!!

2. I love scary movies. Many people find them disgusting and can't believe someone would waste their time watching these flicks. Well, I like them. So there.

3. Our kitchen has been in the process of a makeover for 2+ years. The wallpaper is ripped off. When people come over, I tell them it's an "old world look"...but, really...it's just unfinished.

4. Sometimes in the morning, in an effort for those last 15 minutes of sleep, I convince my hubbie to shower first and I promise to make lunches. Instead, while he's showering I'm dozing :) As soon as the shower shuts off, I run frantically to the kitchen to make lunches. It's a fun little dance we do. I pretend he doesn't know I do this but...let's be honest, he does :) He's such a sport!

5. I love the smell of garlic on my fingers after cooking with it. What I find strange is the number of products out there designed to remove the smell from your hands (stainless steel bars, etc). After dinner, hubbie catches me with my fingers up to my face, just stiffing away. I think I have a problem :)

Eeka, this was fun...I'd like to tag Dani and Dannon :)

1 comment:

Dannon said...

I played your little game.....