
random day, random thoughts...

I realized it's been a while since I've posted. I don't have a lot to blog about so I thought I'd share a random thoughts list, Looney-style. Here they are:

#1. I can't wait for the colder weather to emerge. Don't get me wrong, warm is nice but I'm ready for sweaters, fun socks, mornings that are cold outside but warm under the covers, fresh snow, decorating for Christmas, holiday traditions with family, baking, sledding...bring on the cold!!

#2. Izzy kept wanting to go outside last night. We weren't sure why. She probably went out 3 or more times in the middle of the night (not sure as I was "sleeping" while Jason let her out :) This morning, Jason came to me and said, "I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a dead squirrel on our back porch". Mystery solved. Also notable: there was a long skinny bite on the poor squirrels hip. Note the size and shape of Izzy's snout (long and skinny):

Coincidence? I don't think so.

#3. I made homemade chai tea this morning as I do many-a-morn. Not really noteworthy, but so good I couldn't not post it.

#4. Going to spend the weekend with my mom and dad this weekend and check out the wedding venue and photographers for my sister's wedding. I can't wait!! Izzy's going, too---lots of squirrels around my parent's house so she's super excited now that's she's an official squirrel hunter!

#5. Yesterday was my soon-to-be brother-in-law's birthday. He's a really amazing guy who compliments my sister very well. We're so blessed to have him in our family! What a great addition. If you're reading this, S, happy b-day!

#6. I want to learn to sew.

#7. I should find out the results of my licensing exam this week or next.

#8. I made roast chicken and asparagus and onion risotto for dinner last night even though we didn't get home until 8:30 pm. Pretty amazing, I know!

That's all for now.........................................


Danielle said...

8:30...what the heck were ya'll doin out so darn late on a school/work night?! Getting results this week - I'm NOT excited or looking forward to it AT ALL! I would rather not know how I did. Still have no "good" thoughts about how I did at all. I'm glad you feel good about it, but I just can't get there, sorry =o(

Way to go "Squirrel Hunter!!" Maybe you can learn to sew and make her an outfit!

Laura said...

I just mentioned to some other friends of mine that I was excited for winter to wear my fun socks.

tiff said...

Nervous! Test results!! Can't wait to hear. Does Izzy know she's a girl and girl's don't do yucky boy stuff like hunting, killing, and dragging dead stuff? Sounds like she may in fact be a tomboy...better get her some cammo gear and let her hang out with Dr. Mike.

Erika said...

Love the thoughts! B.T.W., Nate takes wedding photos and he's pretty awesome. I'm biased, I'm sure. No pressure really, just thought I'd let you know. :)

Michelle said...

Eeka...I think my sister might have signed the contract for her photog...I'll check, though! Do you have some pics I could send to her of wedding pics Nate has done?

melanie, aka Mo said...

glad to have u as a new blog "follower"! love what u did with the house!! melanie

Mendy said...

cecil is a squirrel hunter also and i do not approve of his behavior. if there is one thing he does that really angers me it is when he is acting like Lenny from Of Mice and Men and "playing" a baby bunny or squirrel to death. i try to tell him that this is unacceptable behavior but he is a stubborn-teenage-boy-cat and refuses to listen. i realize that it is his animal instinct, but i think that if i have to stinking work so hard to overcome my stupid sinful nature then he should make an effort too!