

Well, the time is nearing that Baby W will make his or her grand entrance. The time has gone SO fast, which I'm sure many of you can relate to. I am scheduled to be induced on Wednesday evening and, of course, am a little worried about it. Just like the whole insulin ordeal that I experienced, induction can come with it's own risks. While I don't want this to turn into another insulin-type struggle, I'm also fully aware that I'm willing to do whatever is best for the baby (as I sit here drinking a cup of coffee). I do have an appointment scheduled with my OB for Wednesday morning and am hoping that I've made enough progress that she will say "let's give it a few days and see where you are rather than inducing tonight". Maybe I should give her this script? I am praying that baby will come on his or her own time rather than have to be induced. So far, this is really not a high-risk pregnancy so it wouldn't hurt if I went past my due date by a little bit. I may be singing a different tune if I make it to 42 weeks, however!! May sound less like "let baby come when baby is ready" and more like "GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!!". So, please just pray that, well...just pray really. God knows what He's doing and I trust that.

Psalm 139:13-16 (The Message)

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day.

Beautiful, huh?

On other notes: the house is less in disarray,although I left dirty dishes in the sink last night. Lots of them. Which probably means baby will come today :) Baby stuff is in baby's room rather than stuffed in the corner of the dining room. Curtains are hung in our bedroom...curtains that my mother and I made last weekend together. That weekend will be a very precious memory to me---I can't wait to teach my own daughter (or son) to sew, cook, bake, etc. Hopefully my child will be more willing to learn at a young age, unlike myself who avoided instruction in household tasks at all cost as a young girl! I have been thinking a LOT about traditions lately. I was listening to K-Love yesterday morning and they were talking about back-to-school traditions that families have. I can't wait to begin traditions with my children! What traditions do you have in your family? Please share! One that sticks out to me is our birthday candle tradition. From as young as I can remember, no matter who's birthday it was, everyone got to blow out the candles on the birthday cake. We'd start with the birthday person and then pass the cake around the table, lighting the candles and then blowing them out one by one. I don't particularly remember if we made a wish for ourself or the birthday person. I'd like to think it was for the birthday person, but that is unlikely :) My co-workers have traditions about birthdays that I can't wait to do. Maybe Dannon will comment on this post and share about the birthday outfits?

I sat in my rocking chair last night reading a baby book to the baby "I Already Know I Love You" by Billy Crystal. "I'm waiting to show you everything. hear your giggles and your sighs. see butterflies and monkeys. and clowns who cross their eyes."

Can't hardly wait, baby W, can't hardly wait.

Love, Mommy


Mendy said...

The Buch's had a tradition of making homemade pizza once a week! My parents met when they worked at Pizza Hut in college so it was only fitting that making homemade pizza became a regular occurrence at our house. The kids put all the toppings on, cheese, pepperonis, olives, etc. Maybe that explains my obsession with pizza a little?

Michelle said...

Yes, it does Mendy! :)

I love that tradition---any tradition that involves the whole family is wonderful. Thank you.

Mendy said...

It's Friday... hope you're doing well. Love you. Thinking of you.