
Kitchen Idea!

Finally! I have an idea for the kitchen (thanks to HGTV's Rate My Space). Yes, Dannon, I just used more parentheses (just for you). Anyways, I found a kitchen idea that really inspired me. I will include some pictures to give you all a better idea of what I'm talking about/describing.

Walls: Teepee Brown by Behr

Doors, trim, cabinets: white/off white/antique white (not sure yet)

Door to downstairs (as seen below): paint inside with black chalkboard paint so we can leave messages, write menus, to-do lists, grocery lists, etc.

Decorations: black and white pictures of family cooking together, family dinners, family gatherings, etc. We will have to take pictures but I already have one that I really love of my father and great uncle which I will also post below. Very family oriented, which I think is what inspired me the most.

Also, I like the idea of decorating somehow with family recipes like in one of the picture below.

I also like the black sign over the door that has the family name.

Ok, so here's the before picture of the kitchen:

Pictures of the kitchen on Rate My Space that inspired me:

Here's the picture of my great uncle and father that I love so much:

Also, I love this picture of my grandparents farm house that I'd like to incorporate somewhere (I actually have a version of this picture without the cars that I may use instead):

So...there it is. Let me know what you all think and if you have any ideas or inspirations that come from this. One thought I had was either doing all white cabinets or doing white on the upper cabinets and black on the lower cabinets. Just a thought! May be too much. I think we're going to leave two of the cabinets without doors like Mendy mentioned to display our dishes and glasses. Isn't this fun!!


April said...

oooh - I love it! Man, times like these make me miss American television! I especially like the ideas of family photos and recipes in the kitchen - after all, the kitchen and food are what brings family together (well, at least my family!). I think I would do all white/offwhite cabinets and leave the black for accents - like fun drawer and cabinet pulls. I also love the idea of a couple of doorless display cabinets. Glass shelves would look nice along with an accent light at the top :) Can't wait to see pics of the finished project! Hope you and Baby W are doing well (ok, and Jason, too! ;)

Michelle said...

Thanks, April. I actually just found the idea on the HGTV website, not on the tele, so you could look there!!

I agree about having black accents like drawer and cabinet pulls. Great idea! Plus, I'll have black accents in the blackboard paint as well as the black and white pics.

Now, I have to think about curtains. I could probably bring in some black there (maybe white with some black in it?). Ideas?

We are doing well! Baby may be here as early as the 15th (maybe sooner, really it's up to baby, I guess!).

Mendy said...

i like the chalkboard paint, i like how it looks... but i HATE writing with chalk. i've seen whiteboard spray paint too, which is just AWESOME.

Brown Apples said...

We have a chalk board wall in our kitchen, and we love it! that is a great inspiration kitchen! what fun! you are amazing tackling this before baby! go momma!