
37 weeks

So, I was reading my friend Heather's blog and was looking at some of the blogs she follows and saw that there was one friend that hadn't blogged in 4 weeks...then I realized that friend was, in fact, moi. I had promised pictures from the baby shower back in June and I still haven't put them on my computer so you may just have to imagine in your head...not too hard to do really...friends, family, balloons, yummy cake, punch, lots of baby gift bags...you know, a baby shower!

It's not like I've been busy or anything, people! What, you ask, have I been up to? Growing a baby, staying in hotel rooms, lots and lots of doctor appointments, water aerobics, and getting my nails done...it's hard work, I tell ya! Jason and his mom have been working like crazy to get our bedroom and the kitchen painted before baby gets here. The bedroom is about 90% finished but there is now a lovely new crack in the ceiling from the guys doing a roof inspection on our house. Wonderful. Just want Jason asked for. NOT (great, now I'm acting like an 8th grader from the early 1990's). Sheesh. Now, where was I? Oh, yes, the house. Last weekend I stayed in a hotel by myself while Jason and his mom painted. Apparently, I've watched far too many scary movies because it was...well, scary. At one point, I was walking down the hallway, saw a flickering light, and then twins ran by. (Think: The Shining). I nearly pee'd myself (ok, maybe just a little---I'm pregnant, give me a break!!) So, I left with a bedroom that looked like this:

And returned to a bedroom that looks like this:

Don't you just love the change?? I am in love with the color. My sister thought this was the baby's room and wondered if we knew something (gender-wise) that we were trying to hint at. Much to everyone's disappointment, we do not know the gender AND this is not the baby's room. We will be in this room and baby will be in our room. I will post a picture of the baby's room once the furniture arrives (let's hope it's within the next few weeks!!). Talk about down to the wire!!

So, over the next few weeks, Jason's going to be working on the kitchen. Here's a before picture (we have already sanded and refinished the floors so they look more like the bedroom pictures above):

Any ideas are welcome! We cannot for the life of us think of colors for the kitchen. We are painting walls, cabinets, and trim (and will eventually replace the backsplash and countertops, too). Bring 'em on!!

Baby News: baby is growing and moving and shaking! Can't wait to meet him or her. Jason and I washed all of the baby clothes over the weekend. I had NO IDEA how time-consuming it is to fold all of those little clothes. Hopefully, wrinkly baby clothes are in next season. What else??? Oh, the car seat is installed (hey, I have a picture of that!):

I have to give props to my co-worker, Dannon, for helping me install the car seat...basically, I just held the manual while she quickly installed it. :)

On an end note, Dannon showed me this hysterical wedding video. I've never posted a video so if it doesn't work, just go to www.youtube.com and type in JK Wedding Entrance Dance. This is just the greatest video ever! Hope you can find time to watch it. Later!


Mendy said...

i have black cabinets in my kitchen and love them! i actually love either a black or white cabinet. i also love doing a section of open cabinets or open shelves up above to display dishes, cookbooks, glasses. but it helps to have closed storage below or a few closed upper cabinets for food and stuff you want to hide! corian is a great countertop/backsplash surface that is cheap but looks like granite or stone. it's made of recycled plastic! it's a solid surface, so you won't be able to install it yourself. if you want a DIY job, you might have to stick to tile. you guys should look at antique stores or on craigslist for a cool piece of furniture that you could use as an island, since you have a big open space in the middle of your kitchen, like a butcher block or small wooden table or something.
there's a lot more ideas where that came from. i redesigned my parents' kitchen and fooled everyone into thinking a professional had done it. so if you want more ideas, call me!!

Danielle said...

I have that video on my facebook page!! love it and want to get re-married in order to do that!!!!!

love the color of YOUR room and I may have to come steal it to paint our bedroom. looking for paint ideas for our house, ack!

Michelle said...

Thanks, guys! Mendy, I love black or white cabinet idea...but what color for the walls? We have really earthy/autumny colors in the living room and dining rooms. I really want the kitchen to be my favorite room and picking the right color is the most important part to me...the other details will have to wait, like island, new backsplash, countertop. Paint will happen in a week and a half so I have to decide on colors by then!

Danielle, you are welcome to steal the color for your bedroom (Dark Storm Cloud by Behr). It's lovely, isn't it? I'm so glad it didn't turn out to be a boring gray!

Erika said...

Meesh, I LOVE that blue color. Niiice pick!! I'm sure your kitchen will look great too. We cannot WAIT to hear your news!!!