
Kansas City Farmer's Market

Well, Jason and I ventured on our FINAL out-of-town adventure we will ever take as non-parents! It was quite an emotion-filled weekend of family, friends, Baby Shower, lots of yummy food, and the Kansas City Farmer's Market. I will post pictures and stories from the Baby Shower in my next post as all of those pictures are on my camera and have not been uploaded yet. Although it was SOOO hot outside, most of the family wanted to go to the Kansas City Farmer's Market because...well, because it's just that awesome. Something about the KC Farmer's Market reminds me of traveling to another country. Crowded aisles, the variety of produce, friendly people, little shops, "meat" products...it is just one of my favorite places to go and, should we ever move to KC, I'm already planning to get a second job to support my farmer's market addiction. I sampled lots of food, although my dad has always warned against it due to "not knowing who has touched the food before me". I told him I'm not a germapobe (sp?) and that really got my mom going. I guess she thinks I am quite the germaphobe. I said, "How can I be something I can't even spell" and proceeded to lick the bottom of her shoe. Just kidding, although that did just make me laugh out loud!! :)

So, the pictures that follow are all from the KC Farmer's Market (I was going to label them all but I can't figure out how to make the wording line-up with the pics so I'm just posting them all---some are produce pictures from the market, some are street performers, and some are family pictures).

The night before, we all decided we would not shower before going to the market because we'd sweat a LOT and need to shower again. So, I woke up, threw on some clothes, and ran downstairs for breakfast. Since the bathroom was being shared by 3 other people, I used the restroom in the lobby of the hotel. Apparently, I took the idea of not getting ready to a whole new level (as you can tell by the hair). Although it's not a pretty picture, it made me laugh so I thought (for your enjoyment) I would share :)

That's all for now! I have some REALLY funny stories to share about the Baby Shower and will do that later this week.


tiff said...

Fun pics! You make me laugh. And I loved your "not showered" hair. :) I'm excited to visit the farmers market again once I'm closer to KC.

Laura said...

It makes me so happy to see others taking full advantage of this great city. Makes me want to get off my rump and do it. Ready for friends to move to KC so we can experience it together.

Erika said...

I would SOOO love that Farmer's Market. But alas, I will settle for what is here. I LOVED the Theresa pics - haven't seen her in ages!! Can't wait to hear about the shower!

Mendy said...

I loved the picture of peaches. Yum.