
sonogram week 10

Jason and I went in for our first sonogram yesterday. We are blessed to have insurance that will cover a sonogram this early in the pregnancy! Here are some pictures. The sonogram technician was so nice and printed out several pictures for us! And now....presenting Baby W:

(and Jason and Baby W)


Danielle said...

Nugget W. is so cute!!! Grow baby grow!!!

Laura said...

These are great sonogram pics. I will admit I'm one of those that normally can't make anything out in the pics.

Erika said...

Oh wow...that is so exciting Michelle!!! Isn't a sonogram so much fun??

Michelle said...

It was just amazing!

Mendy said...

i've never been able to see babies in sonogram pics! they always look like a peanut or an amoeba or something...but i can actually see the baby in this picture!! for real!