
it's a fetus!

Most people I meet are very excited to find out the sex of the baby. My joy for today is that we are at 10 weeks (and one day) and, according to the many baby websites I frequent, we are past the embryo period and into FETUS LAND!! What a sweet and precious experience to have. Now, not everything I'm experiencing is so preciouos (difficulty sleeping, constant naseau, 4+ trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, etc). Other things have been fun! For example, on Monday I was craving watermelon like crazy. I fulfilled my baby's wish and got some. It cost $4, was very small, and tasted like celery. Oh how I long for summer produce!! That's my biggest craving and difficult to fulfill in February :)

Tomorrow is our first sonogram! Pray for a clear picture of our little nugget :) I will figure out how to post the picture so you all can share in my excitement!!


Danielle said...

you called the baby a nugget....YAY!!! That makes me happy!!! Can't wait to see the nug!

tiff said...

So excited for you!! Hope everything goes well.