
sonogram week 10

Jason and I went in for our first sonogram yesterday. We are blessed to have insurance that will cover a sonogram this early in the pregnancy! Here are some pictures. The sonogram technician was so nice and printed out several pictures for us! And now....presenting Baby W:

(and Jason and Baby W)


it's a fetus!

Most people I meet are very excited to find out the sex of the baby. My joy for today is that we are at 10 weeks (and one day) and, according to the many baby websites I frequent, we are past the embryo period and into FETUS LAND!! What a sweet and precious experience to have. Now, not everything I'm experiencing is so preciouos (difficulty sleeping, constant naseau, 4+ trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, etc). Other things have been fun! For example, on Monday I was craving watermelon like crazy. I fulfilled my baby's wish and got some. It cost $4, was very small, and tasted like celery. Oh how I long for summer produce!! That's my biggest craving and difficult to fulfill in February :)

Tomorrow is our first sonogram! Pray for a clear picture of our little nugget :) I will figure out how to post the picture so you all can share in my excitement!!


Big News!!

Well, it's been ages since I last posted and I thought it was about time to get back to my blog!! A lot has changed for me and Jason in the past month. On my birthday, we found out we are HAVING A BABY!! We are thrilled, excited, nervous, anxious, joyful, thankful, blessed...all rolled into one big ball of excitement. Today I am 8 weeks pregnant. Since our first go around with pregnancy ended with a miscarriage, we're a little anxious to get to week 12 so keep us in your prayers!!

I was blessed to have been given 12 days of paid time off during the holidays which couldn't have come at a better time...extended time with family to share the news, relaxing time, and loads of sleep (and I do mean LOADS). I slept until 9:30 or 10:00 every morning on my break and took a 2-hour nap every day. Just came back to work yesterday and it's been hard to get through the days without a nap (might take one over my lunch hour today!!).

It's funny how your to-do list grows when you find out you're bringing a new life into your family. Suddenly, there is a fire lit under our butts :) to get our house renovations done, projects completed, etc. At first I thought 9 months was a long time but now that we're already two months pregnant it seems like it's going to fly!

That's all for now. Just wanted to officially post the news!
and baby :)