
Michelle : Part One

Hello, blogger-land! Well, I’m here 80% by free will and 20% by force from “friends” J Well, since this is my first blog, I should probably introduce myself and what I’ve been doing for the past few years. Let's start at the very beginning, shall we?

I grew up just outside of a big town in Kansas...well, as big of a town as Kansas makes, anyways! Typical (well, what used to be typical) family life: 2 parents, two siblings...I was the oldest and smartest, of course :) My siblings might disagree but who's blog is this, anyways?? K-12 was rough but I really found my overfunctioner self in college as I involved myself in many-an-activity. I think at one time I was working 4 part-time jobs and involved with 4 organizations on campus. That might explain the 1.2 GPA . I chose to take a break from my college career for a while (aka I was academically dismissed from the university). Although I didn’t finish my college career at that time, I did make lifelong friends with the Kearney Girls…I’m sure there will be more on them later (what fun times, huh girls?). Well, fast-forward a forward a few years and I met my sweetheart. Jason and I married only 10 months after we met. After Jason finished his undergraduate degree, I went back to college and graduated with an undergraduate degree in Psychology (and a 4.0 GPA, I might add .) Marriage has not been without trials, but I truly believe that with every trial comes great opportunity. I have realized that although marriage is not always rose-colored glasses, that it is by far the best thing in life. To share your life with a partner that understands (for the most part) who, what, when, where, why, and how you do the things you do is priceless. Through my personal life experiences, I was led to begin my graduate degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I have recently graduated and could not have done it without the support of amazingly supportive family, incredibly resilient friends, and my husband (whom words cannot describe). Just months ago I was working 40 hours per week, seeing clients 15+ hours per week, paperwork, homework, housework...now that I'm finished with my MSFT degree, I'm finding that I have a LOT of spare time on my hands...and no excuse for not staying in contact with my long-lost friends!! I have a number of plans for the next year which include house renovations, going GREEN (recycling, healthier lifestyle, buying a Prius, etc), and hopefully starting a family with my hubbie. Thank you for taking this journey with me...I can't assure how smooth the ride will be so hold on tight!!


Erika said...

Yeah!! I hope this helps me stay better in contact with you friend! Miss you!

tiff said...

Great to see you here! I love to hear about your life, sorry if you felt pressured. Love You!

Laura said...

I found you. I'm coming closer in August.