
five months, five things

1. man burps. man. burps.

2. Wiggly Worm. He has started to do circles on his back in his play yard. We will put him in with his head facing north and go back to check on him minutes later and his head is facing south. Just as happy as can be!

3. He loves to dance. Video is posted below and is definitely worth watching!!

4. Thanks to Dr. S's colic treatment and a new swaddling technique, Will is sleeping through the night and has been for a month now (typically 8:00 pm to 6:00 am). So nice. Now if I could just stop watching the monitor and get some sleep myself. Maybe I need to be swaddled.

5. He is such a morning person. I have watched him on the monitor some mornings and he's awake and just laying there. When we come in the room, it's all smiles. Greatest part of my day.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love the video. He is getting so big.