Finally! I have an idea for the kitchen (thanks to HGTV's Rate My Space). Yes, Dannon, I just used more parentheses (just for you). Anyways, I found a kitchen idea that really inspired me. I will include some pictures to give you all a better idea of what I'm talking about/describing.
Walls: Teepee Brown by Behr
Doors, trim, cabinets: white/off white/antique white (not sure yet)
Door to downstairs (as seen below): paint inside with black chalkboard paint so we can leave messages, write menus, to-do lists, grocery lists, etc.
Decorations: black and white pictures of family cooking together, family dinners, family gatherings, etc. We will have to take pictures but I already have one that I really love of my father and great uncle which I will also post below. Very family oriented, which I think is what inspired me the most.
Also, I like the idea of decorating somehow with family recipes like in one of the picture below.
I also like the black sign over the door that has the family name.
Ok, so here's the before picture of the kitchen:
Pictures of the kitchen on Rate My Space that inspired me:
Here's the picture of my great uncle and father that I love so much:
Also, I love this picture of my grandparents farm house that I'd like to incorporate somewhere (I actually have a version of this picture without the cars that I may use instead):
So...there it is. Let me know what you all think and if you have any ideas or inspirations that come from this. One thought I had was either doing all white cabinets or doing white on the upper cabinets and black on the lower cabinets. Just a thought! May be too much. I think we're going to leave two of the cabinets without doors like Mendy mentioned to display our dishes and glasses. Isn't this fun!!
So, I was reading my friend Heather's blog and was looking at some of the blogs she follows and saw that there was one friend that hadn't blogged in 4 weeks...then I realized that friend was, in fact, moi. I had promised pictures from the baby shower back in June and I still haven't put them on my computer so you may just have to imagine in your head...not too hard to do really...friends, family, balloons, yummy cake, punch, lots of baby gift know, a baby shower!
It's not like I've been busy or anything, people! What, you ask, have I been up to? Growing a baby, staying in hotel rooms, lots and lots of doctor appointments, water aerobics, and getting my nails's hard work, I tell ya! Jason and his mom have been working like crazy to get our bedroom and the kitchen painted before baby gets here. The bedroom is about 90% finished but there is now a lovely new crack in the ceiling from the guys doing a roof inspection on our house. Wonderful. Just want Jason asked for. NOT (great, now I'm acting like an 8th grader from the early 1990's). Sheesh. Now, where was I? Oh, yes, the house. Last weekend I stayed in a hotel by myself while Jason and his mom painted. Apparently, I've watched far too many scary movies because it was...well, scary. At one point, I was walking down the hallway, saw a flickering light, and then twins ran by. (Think: The Shining). I nearly pee'd myself (ok, maybe just a little---I'm pregnant, give me a break!!) So, I left with a bedroom that looked like this:
And returned to a bedroom that looks like this:
Don't you just love the change?? I am in love with the color. My sister thought this was the baby's room and wondered if we knew something (gender-wise) that we were trying to hint at. Much to everyone's disappointment, we do not know the gender AND this is not the baby's room. We will be in this room and baby will be in our room. I will post a picture of the baby's room once the furniture arrives (let's hope it's within the next few weeks!!). Talk about down to the wire!!
So, over the next few weeks, Jason's going to be working on the kitchen. Here's a before picture (we have already sanded and refinished the floors so they look more like the bedroom pictures above):
Any ideas are welcome! We cannot for the life of us think of colors for the kitchen. We are painting walls, cabinets, and trim (and will eventually replace the backsplash and countertops, too). Bring 'em on!!
Baby News: baby is growing and moving and shaking! Can't wait to meet him or her. Jason and I washed all of the baby clothes over the weekend. I had NO IDEA how time-consuming it is to fold all of those little clothes. Hopefully, wrinkly baby clothes are in next season. What else??? Oh, the car seat is installed (hey, I have a picture of that!):
I have to give props to my co-worker, Dannon, for helping me install the car seat...basically, I just held the manual while she quickly installed it. :)
On an end note, Dannon showed me this hysterical wedding video. I've never posted a video so if it doesn't work, just go to and type in JK Wedding Entrance Dance. This is just the greatest video ever! Hope you can find time to watch it. Later!