
therapy for a therapist?

Well, I started seeing a therapist last week. I know it sounds kind of strange for a therapist to see a therapist, but I'm finding that it's really beneficial. I've been blessed with amazing insurance that provides nearly a year of therapy for only a minimal fee each week! I'll be addressing past childhood traumas that have left me with a lifetime of unhealthy coping skills. It will take time but it will be worth the work in the end!

On another note, I CAN'T WAIT FOR KEARNEY WEEKEND only 9 days away! I can't believe it. Fun times await!


tiff said...

Besure to take pictures at the KG retreat and then blog about it as it is happening so that I don't miss a thing! :)

Laura said...

I will be sure to have my computer and camera (both that belong to work) and we can blog about it as it happens. Maybe Erika can help upload videos since I'm not smart enough to do that.